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NRI Investment Consultancy

How can you manage your wealth in India when you are a NRI?
The answer is simple – with our help. We provide NRI consultancy services for managing your wealth. As such, your investments are made easy even when you are abroad!


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Seamless Investment Experience

Enjoy a seamless experience for managing your investments in India, from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Nri consulting,Nri investment in india,Best companies to invest in india

Diverse Investment Instruments

Make the most of our rich range of investment instruments specially catered to our NRI patrons.

Nri consulting,Nri investment in india,Best companies to invest in india

Proficient Research Team

Get the latest market trends, updates, and information from our highly specialized research team.

Invest in a Promising Economy

India is emerging as a fast growing investment destination for Non-Resident Indian (NRI), owing to its growing economy and a strong Rupee. Furthermore, profitable organizations in the market, combined with a transparent stock exchange and mutual fund industry, ensure that investors get optimum returns from both equity and debt markets for their NRI investments in India.

So what are you waiting for? Indian investments can help you create substantial wealth. Find out the best companies to invest in India and invest your hard-earned money. If finding such companies is a tough job for you, leave it to us. With our NRI consulting services you would be educated about the best companies to invest in India. You can then plan your NRI investments in India with our expert advice and maximise wealth.

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Attractive Investment Avenues for NRIs

When it comes to NRI investments in India, the avenues are numerous. Our team introduces you to the best investment avenues in India: Bank Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds, Direct Equity, Real Estate, Bonds and Government Securities, and Certificate of Deposits (CDs) among others.

You get to choose from a range of best investment plans. Our NRI consulting services understand your risk profile and investment preference and also extend guidance in choosing the best investment options in India. There is no limit on the avenues you can choose as long as you have access to these investment plans in India and our NRI consultancy provides you this access which allows you to earn maximum returns.

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Certified Advisors and Planners

When it comes to handling your money, you need the best. Our NRI Investment panel consists of expert and certified advisors who make sure that your investments in India get the best returns in the long run. With the help of our expert financial planners your money gets invested in the best avenues which not only provide you maximum returns but also suit your risk profile. Moreover, our NRI consulting experts choose the avenues based on your preference so that the control of your NRI investments in India rest in your hands only. You can, therefore, leave your financial woes to our experts and be assured of the best NRI consultancy services.

Personalised for you

With our NRI consultancy services you can find the answers to all your NRI investments in India. Here’s what we promise to deliver to our NRI clients -

  • Single platform for all your Investment Requirements

    Whether it is fixed income investment instruments or high risk high income avenues, our platform has it all. With our NRI consultancy services you can choose from a wide range of investment avenues for your NRI investments in India. We provide you a one-stop shop for all your investment requirements and also guide you towards the best companies to invest in India.
  • Specialized Research and Reports

    Our expert research panel continuously researches the Indian financial markets to bring to you latest developments and changes in the Indian economy. Our researchers list the best companies to invest in India so that you can choose your investment avenues easily. You also get periodic reports on your NRI investments in India with our NRI consulting services.
  • Dedicated Certified Advisors

    Our advisors are dedicated to every NRI client’s investment needs. You don’t have to worry about having a generic financial solution for your income. We give you personalised certified advisors who guide you at every step of your investment. Our NRI consultancy experts help you plan your goals, understand your risk profile and then choose your preferred investment instrument. With our NRI consulting advisors, you can never go wrong with your money.
    You might be in a different time zone but with our NRI consultancy services you can invest and manage your NRI investments in India efficiently.

Come experience our personal NRI Consultancy services

once and we promise you would never look back!!

We are one of the best NRI Consultancy services provider in India and you would not be disappointed. We promise to provide you with one of a kind NRI Consultancy services for your finances complete with expert consultants.

Rated 4.5 / 5.0 by 150 + Clients for Best NRI Consultancy Services.


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